Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Recipe: Sloppy Joes

Yummmmm! Sloppy Joes are a childhood favorite that you CAN'T live without! You may be trying to eat healthier and are concerned that Sloppy Joes aren't a good option, so you opt out - wrong. Sure, you will want to stay away from that great $1 can of Manwich, but you can still have your childhood favorites. Many homemade recipes call for a large amount of ketchup (high fructose corn syrup) and brown sugar. These two ingredients are imperative to making the BEST sloppy joes, but be careful with how much you use!
  • 1 package Lean Ground Turkey (97% Fat Free)
  • 1/2 cup Ketchup
  • 1/3 cup Brown Sugar
  • 2 tbsp Flour
  • 3/4 cup Water
  1. Brown ground turkey over medium heat and drain. Return pan to stove on low heat.
  2. Add Ketchip and Brown Sugar until combined.
  3. Mix the flour with the water and pour into pan. Combine all ingredients.
  4. Cook on low and let mixture thicken - less than 5 minutes.
  5. That's it! Enjoy!
There you have it, 5 Ingredient Sloppy Joes! Eat this with a bun, wrap, or even a flatbread! Be creative with your recipes and keep your taste buds guessing! Enjoy the fun that is along the journey! It's great to try new things, and to think differently. My sloppy joes made roughly 8 sloppy joes - but it depends on how much you pile on your bun! I divided this into 4 servings (enough for 2 sloppy joes) and the mixture came to 228 calories (14c/4f/33p). Don't forget to adjust for whatever kind of bread you use.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Recipe: Healthy Shepard's Pie

Growing up as a child, your mom probably made this for you. You probably thought it was just leftovers put into a dish and baked. Real crafty mom! In some cases, you could have been right! This dish is super easy and it's filling! It's also so easy to make a big batch of it to eat throughout the week. Turkey, Potatoes, and Veggies - what could be better!?

  • 1 container of Lean Ground Turkey (1.25lbs)
  • ½ onion
  • 2 cups frozen vegetables of choice
  • 1 chicken bouillon cube
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 cooked potatoes
  • Paprika, Salt, Pepper, Chili Powder (optional)
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Combine the ground turkey and chopped onion in pan over medium heat. Drain once cooked throughout.
  3. Place back onto stove over medium heat and add frozen vegetables. Dissolve the chicken bouillon cube into water and add to pan. Spice to your liking, I used the spices listed above.
  4. While the frozen vegetables are thawing out and the spices are flavoring your dish, mash the potatoes in a bowl. You may need to add some milk, again - this is to your preference.
  5. Transfer your turkey, onion, vegetable mixture evenly into an 8x8 pan. Top with your smashed potatoes. Add additional paprika to the top of your potatoes.
  6. Place into oven and cook for 20 minutes.
  7. Enjoy!
With the ingredients and brands that I used, this came to 276 calories per serving - 22c/4f/36p. This recipe takes less than 10 minutes on the stove, and you don't even have to put it in the oven for long if your in a pinch because everything is already cooked. I just like to give the potatoes a nice brown on top! Feel free to add whatever kind of vegetables you'd like, changing this to lean beef, or even swapping the regular white potatoes for some sweet potatoes. The options are endless!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Grocery List

So, you want to get healthy but you don't know where to begin? Do you get overwhelmed when you are shopping because you don't know what choice is better? It is very difficult today to get healthy food when the stores are filled with items that claim 'low fat', 'half the fat', 'healthy', 'light & fit', etc. Please be aware that all of these items are FULL OF CHEMICALS! Do not get confused, or misinformed - they are doing what needs to be done to sell their item [a future blog post].

Does this look familiar? Going down aisle after aisle of the store, you see 'options' that are in boxes, plastic, jars, etc. These options were not given 100 years ago, our ancestors ate food - real food. When you are shopping, you must remember to shop in the perimeter of the store. Majority of the items you are shopping for should be found in this region. Fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, and fish can be found here. Simply by doing this, you can control both the sodium and fat in your diet. Another great tip is to avoid foods with 5 or more ingredients. It is SO important to look at what is put into the products you are putting into your body. When choosing bread for example, the first ingredients should be “Whole wheat flour” or “100% whole wheat flour” not “unbleached wheat flour” or “enriched." Before grocery shopping, make sure you have eaten before hand. If you do into the store on an empty stomach you are likely to grab snacks and junky processed foods. On that note, get rid of the junk food you have in your house. If you don't buy it (or have it), you won't be eating it.

I have put together a grocery list of common items I get when I go grocery shopping. I've broken it down into protein, carbs, fats, beverages, etc. If it's not on this list, there is a good chance that I don't eat it.


Protein powder
Egg Whites (Only ingredient - egg whites)
Canned/Bagged Tuna (in water)
Boneless/skinless chicken breast
Wild Salmon
Lean ground turkey (I get the 97% Fat Free from Walmart)
Plain Nonfat Cottage Cheese
Plain Nonfat Greek Yogurt (Only 2 ingredients - Cultured Pasteurized Milk, Live And Active Cultures)

Fibrous Veggies:
Romaine Lettuce
Bell Peppers
Green beans
Brussel Sprouts

Complex/Starchy Carbohydrates:
Brown Rice
Whole Wheat Bread
Black Beans
Chick Peas / Gorgonzola Beans
Old-fashioned Oatmeal
Steel-Cut Oats
Sweet potato
Whole Grain Tortilla

Healthy Fat Options:
Natural peanut butter or almond butter
- only ingredient should read nut of choice (ex: peanuts, almonds, or cashews)
Olive oil
Coconut Oil
Nuts - Raw almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios, Pecans
Chia Seeds
Flax Seeds

Lemons (Use in water & fish)
Grapes (Snack only, high in sugar)

Unsweetened Almond Milk
Green tea bags

That's it folks! Remember to shop the perimeter of the store, this way you will get all the necessities and none of the junk! Eating these holistic foods will make you full, unlike those pre-packaged meals. It may take a while to get used to the switch, but ones you do - you will be thankful.
If you are questioning an item, comment below and I'd love to help you out! Also, if you are ever concerned about an item - I suggest downloading the Fooducate App on your smart phones.

Monday, February 3, 2014

You've overeaten, now what?

Family gatherings and social events are some of the hardest times to stay on track with your diet. We've all been there. All things cheesy, creamy, crunchy, smothered, etc WILL BE AT YOUR GATHERING. How do you deal? You need to enjoy yourself and indulge in your favorite pastimes - within moderation. It's so easy to go overboard because these goodies are usually filled with sugar which leaves your tastebuds wanting more even after you are full. Below are some tips on how to deal!

  • Don't feel bad or discouraged! It's in the past, the damage has been done - move on. I mean, you did enjoy it right?
  • Don't weigh yourself. You are aware you fell off track, and it's time to see the damage right? No! All those 'bad' food choices have SO MUCH sodium in them that your body may not be used to. You may step on the scale and be 5lbs more than you were yesterday. This is absoutely impossible. You would have had to eat 17,500 calories OVER your maintence (usually roughly 2200) to really gain 5lbs. The weight you are holding is mostly water, give your body some time to equal out.
  • Don't starve yourself. Some may feel the only way to reverse the damage is to not eat. This could be more harmful. Just get back on track with your diet, eating the way you normally would to reach your goal. One bad meal won't derail you, just keep moving forward.
  • Use it for fuel. All of the carbs and fats are all energy sources - use them up! Get active and make something positive out of what you feel is negative. I have GREAT lifts after indulging on some naughty food.
  • Document your feelings. This may sound weird, but try it. Owning up to what you've done might be just what you need to avoid it next time. Next time you are faced with the opportunity again, you can look back and make better choices. Did it not agree with you well, did you get sick to your stomach, did you continue eating bad for days, etc? Making better choices start with you.
Hopefully you find these tips helpful, as I've learned them throughout my journey. Overeating happens, but how you deal with it is up to you. Don't wait for tomorrow, or next week to get back on track - start with the very next meal! What tips do you use to combat overeating?