There are hundreds of thousands of diets today. If you think I'm exaggerating, check out wikipedia. Among the top eight diets you'll find Atkins, Zone, Weight Watchers, Raw Food, Mediterranean, etc. All of these diets have different approaches, but typically have a common end goal - weight loss. With the media today, so many women are uncomfortable in their own bodies so they resort to diets to help them achieve the 'sought' after look. But with so many diets being advertised, how do you choose?

While I'm not saying that you can't lose weight on these diets (because you can), I would not recommend it. Most of the weight loss is from water, and what happens when you stop taking these said pre-packaged meals, shakes, pills? I guarantee you will gain the weight back, if not more. You have to change your lifestyle, or you will always be eating the whole package of cookies or the whole carton of ice cream.

- Eat wholesome items with 5 or less ingredients.
- If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it.
- Shop the perimeter of the store. You will get your lean proteins, dairy, produce, etc.
- Plan before you shop. Eat before you shop. This allows you to get in and get out without picking up those unhealthy options.
- Eat your vegetables. Have a colorful plate.
- Drink your water.
- Don't say, "I can't have that." Instead, "I can have that, I just don't want it."
- Cardio is NOT needed for weight loss.
- Check out sites like or if you are confused. Fooducate has a great app that I would recommend for beginners.
At the end of the day, if you are truly seeking for help - reach out to someone who is educated in the area, preferably a nutritionist. I know I've touched on a lot of topics in this post, so if you'd like me to go into more detail about a certain topic - please comment below.
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